Start with a calibrated monitor! Calibrating your computer monitor is essential because it gives you a much more accurate rendition of how your file will print. Calibration insures that both you and Digital Silver Imaging are looking at an image that will appear the same on your monitor and ours in the lab.
File Format We prefer .TIFF but a .JPEG saved at maximum resolution is also acceptable. We can print from almost any file type including RAW or .PSD. However, unless you have a specific reason for using a RAW or .PSD this file type slows down file transfers and increases printing times. There is no quality gain from using a RAW file instead of a .TIFF. Our online Value Print Service (ROES Web) currently only accepts .JPEG files.
File Size The sweet spot for our DSI Digital Silver Prints® and Museum quality inkjet prints is 300 ppi/dpi at 100% size. In other words, if you want an 11×14″ print the file should be 11×14″, 300 dpi/ppi at 100%.
How do I export files from Adobe Lightroom? We have a short tutorial on how to export your files for print from Lightroom. Follow this link to view the tutorial.