Camera Odyesseys
Travel to the Tobacco Harvest of Cuba
Date: February 1, 2020
When we visit some of our favorite remote places, like Cuba, we’ll be sure to give you a trip with a twist that no ordinary group would offer. For instance in Cuba, we’re not just going to visit magnificent urban and rural areas, we’ll be following the tobacco harvest with some of the most famous growers and cigar makers in the world, across the country, a trip equivalent to being on the ground for the great wine harvests of Bordeaux and Burgundy.
The trip will start in Havana where we will explore the city and it’s people. We will have Carlos Rene Aguilera Tamayo as our guide to take us into the culture and the world of Cuban art.
We will drive to Vinales on the western end of the island. The valleys of Vinales hold the greatest tobacco fields in the world, which will be in full bloom. The farmers have opened their farms to us to photograph and learn about the famous Cuban cigar. The sunrises and sunsets will be taken while looking over the farmland. The artists of the area have invited us into their homes to listen to great music and talk art.
We will also travel to Trinidad to the south. Stopping along the way for a portrait workshop with local farmers.